Decorating with Vintage Valentines

I love to get out my vintage Valentines...I have so much fun looking at them!  
My Grandmother saved every thing   (I'm more like her)  my mother saved nothing (that's why you won't see any of MY childhood Valentines in this
This sweet Valentine was sent to my Grandma (Velma Dell Smith) in 1928 or 29.  (Grandma wrote the TO part on it with the year she received it.... as best she could remember)
This is another one of hers, it's marked on the back, but I forgot to take a pic of it (1928).

  All the other Valentines in this post were sent to my mother when she was a little girl.... 100's of them that my Grandma saved for her.......but did my mother save even 1 of mine?
I LOVE YOU Mother! 
We will enjoy looking at them while we have a nice Valentine dinner with family.

The place settings are all alike, except for the vintage Valentine placed on each plate.
The centerpiece is a vintage pink baby scale that I bought at the auction.   It has a "ton" of Valentines on it  (ton...scale...I crack myself!)  
I wanted to show you my new pink chenille place mats....$5 for all 4 at Tuesday Morning.
Last year, I clipped my Valentines to a lamp shade...

and made a table runner from them.

Hmmm, I just realized that I didn't put any silverware on the table......better do that before we eat!

Have a wonderful day!

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