Starting the Garapa Siding

Our crew has finally started to put on the wood siding. About time too because I was getting pretty tired of looking at the black wrap. One of my neighbors even asked if that was the finished product! The wood was delivered a while ago but installing it just hasn’t been a priority until after we got the house ready for the painters.
We opted for garapa in an “as natural looking as possible” stain, which in this case was something called pecan. The garapa clips onto a rain screen system so there’s no nails or screws going through the siding.
From a design perspective, we are working within the limitations of the material length by creating reveals in line with the windows. It creates a very architectural look and the reveals are a repeating motif throughout the whole house. I was just talking to Richard, our architect, yesterday, and told him that, although I had never even heard of the concept until we started this renovation, I am now a full blown convert.
Altogether, the wood is adding a very nice touch. It softens the overall look which is otherwise pretty industrial/commercial looking. It also brings in a nice third color. We had originally thought ipe for the wood but I felt it didn’t have enough of a contrasting color to the bronze. I really like the contrast between the light cream of the stucco, the dark bronze of the windows and doors, and the medium tone of the garapa.

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